Lomi Lomi Massage Training

Lomi Lomi Massage
Discover the profound, healing practice of Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage at our exclusive training retreat held at Krishna Village.
Lomi Lomi is an Ancient Hawaiian Art of Massage practised over hundreds of years by Master practitioners (kahuna) and elders (Kupuna)
This course is perfect for those seeking to elevate their massage skills, deepen their spiritual connection with clients, or pursue a new career path in holistic healing.
Through intuitive, flowing movements using your forearms and palms, you'll learn to unify mind, body, and spirit in a transformative way. Gain confidence and empowerment as you develop the ability to create a sacred space where clients feel rejuvenated and cared for.
Our accredited Lomi Lomi course will guide you in embracing the best version of yourself, ready to share the gift of healing with the world.

Lomi Lomi Course Content
Friday Opening circle with Aloha Meditation
Saturday evening with Munay Ki Womb rites ceremony, followed with a Deep Sound Healing Meditation
Saturday and Sunday Lomi Lomi – Aloha and Intention
Feeling the Energy
Creating a healing space
Draping and positioning
Massage techniques and massage strokes with forearm arm and palm of hand positioning
Learn Lomi Lomi Nalu (flow)prone position (Back of body)
Learn Lomi Lomi Nalu (flow)supine position (Front of body)
Head and face
Learn Lomi Lomi Stretches
Linking breathwork
Using intuition in your treatments
Self-care and body mechanics